The uniform is an essential part of the scouting program. It not only helps identify the scouts by rank and den but it gives them a sense of belonging to their den, the pack and to Scouting America. The uniforms are to be worn in conjunction with applicable scouting activities. They should be worn to all pack and den events, but may also be worn to school, church, or family gatherings. The uniform may also be worn when the scout is taking part in pack approved fundraising events such as popcorn sales.

As per scout guidelines, the uniform shall not be worn by either scouts or their adult leaders if and when they are participating in political ventures, making unapproved stage appearances, participating in parades not related to the pack, or participating in unauthorized demonstrations.

Uniforms, respective badges and insignia of the Scouting America shall only be worn by members of a pack who are currently registered and are in good standing. Alterations to the uniform, badges or insignia are strictly forbidden unless authorized by the National Executive Board.

Class "A" Uniforms

The Class A Uniform must be worn at all Den and Pack meetings.

When a new scout joins the pack they will receive from the pack: a neckerchief and slide and a set of patches.  The scout's family is expected to purchase a shirt and belt and optionally a hat, and pants.  These can be purchased from a scout store in person or online.  You can also often receive a second hand shirt from a family member or community marketplace page and even sometimes at thrift stores (a scout is thrifty!)




LionLion T-ShirtLion Hat
Lion Neckerchief

TigerCub Scout Shirt
Tiger Neckerchief
Tiger Neckerchief Slide
Cub Scout Belt
Cub Scout Trousers
Tiger Sweatshirt
Cub Scout Socks
Tiger Cap

WolfCub Scout Shirt
Wolf Neckerchief
Wolf Neckerchief Slide
Cub Scout Belt
Cub Scout Trousers
Cub Scout Shorts
Cub Scout Socks
Wolf Cap

BearCub Scout Shirt
Bear Neckerchief
Bear Neckerchief Slide
Cub Scout Belt
Cub Scout Trousers
Cub Scout Shorts
Cub Scout Socks
Bear Cap

WebelosCub Scout Shirt
Webelos Neckerchief
Webelos Neckerchief Slide
Cub Scout Belt
Webelos Scout Cap
Khaki Scout Shirt
Neckerchief, slide and Hat are decided by AOLs during AOL year activities (preparation to join a patrol in Scouts BSA)
Green Belt
Green Pants
Hat determined by AOLs, can also wear green Scouts BSA hat

For more information on uniforms, please go to the official Scouting America Uniform Page.  Here you can also find the link to order items online, or find a scout shop near you.  As of May 2024, the closest shops are in Manchester, NH, Woburn, MA, and Southborough, MA.

Class "B" Uniforms

A scout's initial pack t-shirt is included with their initial registration fee. Additional pack t-shirts are available for purchase for $10 each. See your den leader for details.

Uniform Closet

From time to time, we have uniform items which are in good condition that a scout has outgrown, or advanced to his next rank and can no longer wear. These items are collected and made available in our Uniform Closet. If you have items you would like to donate, or are looking for a specific item please contact your den leader.


This guide should help you with the different patches and other uniform parts you might see. The official uniform inspection sheet (which has the exact measurements) is available here for Cub Scouts.  When you join Pack 1455 you will receive the initial patches you need such as the council patch, pack number, etc.

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